

60秒游戏-wps软件-The Rise and Fall of the Wikipedia A Look at a Tool for a Free World

我不怕死,就怕只剩下我一个人。由此一想,若有一天,你真的把你爱的那个人,变成 了你身边的人,并且愿意和他长久地生活下去,这也才算是真正的岁月静好。年少时候 的激情,非常美妙,我也时常怀念;但是我想我更舍弃不下的,是一颗过日子的心。买 菜,做饭,洗衣服,生孩子,然后变老。我不是个纠结的女人,我只爱安逸和传统的情 感。或者是男人上班去以后,我坐在阳台上,独自面对开放的绿萝和懒洋洋的太阳的时 候,让我真真切切知道,这就是生活。


In a world where free speech is valued above all else, one tool stands out as the epitome of modern innovation—a collaboration platform that combines knowledge creation with community-driven improvement. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's go-to destination for understanding the world, is no exception. It’s a wiki—a collaborative project built on open-source principles where contributors can create, share, and improve existing content. The history of Wikipedia dates back to 2001 with its founding by Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger, and several passionate English speakers. Over three years later, it had over 6,000 active contributors who wrote more than 50,000 articles in various languages.

The Foundation of a Free World

At its inception, Wikipedia was founded by three individuals dedicated to the principle of free speech and knowledge sharing. From its early days to its current status as a global reference work, it has demonstrated its commitment to openness and collaboration. With over 6,000 active contributors, it’s clear that Wikipedia is far from a solo project—it thrives on community-driven improvements. The platform’s content covers nearly 50,000 languages, including English, which means users around the world can find information in multiple forms.

A World of Open Content

One of the most notable features of Wikipedia is its approach to content creation and sharing. It operates under the GNU Free Document License (GFDL), a standard that ensures any derivative works are also licensed under the same license, promoting free translation, adaptation, and redistribution of content. This collaborative model not only allows for extensive community contribution but also fosters an environment where new ideas can emerge from diverse perspectives.

From 2019 Begins

In 2019, Wikipedia underwent a significant version update, transitioning to its WPS2019 Professional Version. This move was met with enthusiasm by its community members and has since been adopted by countless users around the world. The new version not only includes all the content from the previous iteration but also introduces more advanced features like search capabilities, enhanced rendering tools, and improved accessibility.

The Future of Open Collaboration

As we continue to build on Wikipedia, it’s clear that the platform is set to grow even further. Its success is driven by its openness—users worldwide contribute their thoughts and experiences, creating a rich repository of information accessible to anyone. As the web continues to evolve, so will the community around Wikipedia. The more people contribute, the more meaningful the world becomes.


From its founding in 2001 to the present day, Wikipedia has emerged as a beacon of free knowledge, offering a collaborative space for debate and learning. It serves as a model for open collaboration—regardless of the medium, the principle remains: The world is a canvas painted by all who paint it; we are free, we are community-driven. As we move forward, Wikipedia will continue to evolve, ensuring that its contributions remain at the forefront of this ever-evolving landscape.

Note: The word wps in the title likely refers to WordPress's Professional Edition, a popular version of WordPress, which supports markdown and rich text formatting. This is just an example; the actual content will focus on Wikipedia.




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